"Look through all the Junk and see the Treasure".  Meaning that we all need to be able to visualize ourselves healthy, in shape, full of youthful energy and enjoying life. Sometimes all we see is the person in the mirror and if we don' like the way that person looks then it is hard to get motivated.

The first step is Take Charge Of Your Health:

First off what we need to know about ourselves is that we are what we eat.  When we feed our bodies processed foods then our bodies have no way of working at their best levels.  The second thing we need to know is how our environment affects our bodies.  We live in a world full of toxins and there is no way for us to avoid them so we need to make sure that we detox and flush the Poisons our of our bodies.

Second step is Eat Clean:

Third step is Power Up Metabolism:

Fourth step is Transform from the inside out

Fifth step is Regain Muscle Mass:

We are going to go on this journey together and I will be with you every step of the way.  I can not make anyone want to change their health, but I pray that everyone will find a need deep inside them to make these changes.

In the future posts, I will go over different things that will need to happen for you to start " Living Young After 50", and what that means to you is that you will be transformed into a younger, healthier you.

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